Sunday, September 18

Pow! Right between the Eyes

So you can see it's been a week or two and I haven't posted.  I haven't been doing very well at spottting God- in fact you might say I've been acting like a petulant child - 'Hey, God, since you're not playing the game the way I like I'm just going to quit playing' - How's that working for me?  Not so well.

Monday, September 5

Gameplay hints

I admit it, I'm a Facebook game junkie.  My latest find is called Gardens of Time - it's one of those hidden object games.  You see the same background, and it tells you to find various objects.  Of course, the faster you find them, the higher your score, so if you repeat the same scene you have a better chance of remembering where you saw them before.  Playing this makes me think of similarities to looking for God:

Saturday, September 3

I guess You win this week

Well, after such a promising start to the week of trying to spot God, I'm afraid I've hit a dry spell.  I really have been looking, but it seems like the past few days I haven't really had any 'God sightings' - I'm sure He's still out there, but I guess I didn't do a very good job of hunting.  Why do people have to be so darn hateful?  One person in particular very dear to my heart seems to think that all of his problems would be solved if I just gave him whatever he asked for (usually money but not always) and when I say 'No' then I must be a failure as a parent and a bad Christian to boot, and I obviously don't love him.

Oh, wait, is that an echo of the same way I feel about God, contingent on how well and how soon he answers my prayers??  OUCH!  Okay, God, I guess I really can't just give up and quit- guess I"ll have to keep looking for you even when I can't find you easily.

The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;
Lamentations 3:24-26 

Monday, August 29

I saw raindrops on my window..

No, don't get exicted, it didn't really rain here in Cen-Texas, but it did last week one day.  I was at lunch and when I came outside, surprise, it had rained.  Then Suzie called me and told me that when she came out of class and saw the clouds, she said a little prayer and asked God to make it rain.  Right away it started pouring down!! Do I think that it wasn't going to rain and then when she asked for it, suddenly the weather changed?  Of course not - if that worked, then we wouldn't be in such a record drought.  But I wonder who put it into the head of my non-church attending daughter to pray just then, and to ask right at that moment for rain?  Could it have been God, saying 'Look here, look here, here I am!!'?

Divine Hide-n-Seek Game

It's been a really rough summer for me, and at times I've felt like God has just taken a time-out, or gone on vacation, or somehow is not really paying attention to what's going on in my life and the lives of people near and dear to me. Yet in the middle of this mess, a very dear friend who has even more reason than I to feel abandoned, has taught me that even in the deepest pits of despair you can still find evidence of God's presence with you and around you if you just look for it.

I'm going to look upon this as a game of Hide-n-Seek with God. He wants us to seek Him, so whenever and wherever I do find Him, I'm going to start recording it here in hopes that in those dark times I can read back over this and remember that He is always there, just sometimes He hides better than other times. (or maybe sometimes I don't seek as well as at other times.) Maybe this will provide encouragement to other people to join in the game of Hide-n-Seek, and share their discoveries as well.