Monday, September 5

Gameplay hints

I admit it, I'm a Facebook game junkie.  My latest find is called Gardens of Time - it's one of those hidden object games.  You see the same background, and it tells you to find various objects.  Of course, the faster you find them, the higher your score, so if you repeat the same scene you have a better chance of remembering where you saw them before.  Playing this makes me think of similarities to looking for God:

  1.  It helps if you know what the object looks like --for example they told me to hunt for a cotton swab - when I finally found it I thought 'Oh, a Q-tip', and what the heck is a bilby?
  2. It helps if you've seen it before and know where in the picture to look.
  3. Sometimes it helps to un-focus your eyes so you aren't distracted by all the other things in the picture
  4. Sometimes you have to just slow down and look very closely at every part of the picture - the object may be small and dim or far in the background, or so big and obvious in the foreground that you overlook it.
  5. Sometimes you only see a portion of the object, but you have to recognize it just from that portion you see.
  6. You have to have faith that the object is there, or they wouldn't have told you to look for it.

There - now isn't that a lot like looking for God's presence in your life?

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